自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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摘  要: 通过对以英语为母语的美国人现场、邮寄与网上问卷调查获取数据,通过电邮采访及网络晒帖等方式对某些问题与美国学者进行深入讨论,在定量与定性分析的基础上,总结出当代日常交际美语的使用呈现以下突出趋势,日常用语更具多样性;语言表达更趋简化随和;人们更注意“政治准确性”;对弱势群体更显同情心;出现了更多的语法偏离现象;等。
关键词: 美语;日常交际;变化趋势;语言使用;社会变迁;历时语用观
Salient Changing Trends of American English in Daily Communication: from the Diachronic Pragmatic Perspective
FAN Xianlong
(School of Foreign Languages, Central South University, Changsha, Hunan Province, 410083, China)
Abstract: Language changes with the passage of time and happening of social events, getting to know which is of great importance. This paper makes a study of the salient changing trends of the current American English in daily communication from a diachronic pragmatic perspective. For that purpose, the researcher, adopting both quantitative and qualitative research methods, conducted a survey by getting a questionnaire completed on spot and through post and email among native English speaking Americans. Besides, email interviews were held to clarify some feedback and obtain more in-depth information from the informed respondents. Moreover, efforts were made to make use of websites by posting queries on them. The data collected in the study show that the changes that American English has been undergoing seem to have such trends as greater variety of expressions with features of more simplicity and informality, people’s stronger sensitivity to political correctness, more emergence of various deviations from traditional grammatical norms, etc. The study at its end presents a brief analysis of the main factors behind the changes. A diachronic and dynamic research of this kind on the changes in current American English in daily communication is of great reference and enlightening value to the field of foreign language teaching.
Key words: American English; daily communication; changing trends; language use; social changes; diachronic pragmatics
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