文章编号:1672-3104(2011)06-0192-07 |
邓显鹤与道咸宗宋诗风的形成 |
周芳 |
(山东大学文学与新闻传播学院,山东济南,250100) |
摘 要: 邓显鹤不仅是湖南近代史上著名的文献学家,也是著名的诗人。他论诗反对区分唐宋,不喜门户宗派,但又独尚江西诗,推崇杜、韩、苏、黄,诗作恣肆纵横,自成一家,在道光朝执湖南诗坛牛耳。其声名远播于江浙、两广、云贵一带,在道咸时期的宗宋诗风形成的前期发挥了作用。这种作用主要通过两种渠道来实现,一是通过与主持东南风雅的曾燠的诗文往来将尚江西诗的主张向诗坛扩散;二是在与程恩泽的交往中通过诗文唱和影响程恩泽的诗学倾向,程恩泽再凭自身高位促使宗宋成为趋势并占据诗坛主流,完成诗风的转变。 |
关键词: 邓显鹤;江西诗;宗宋;曾燠;程恩泽 |
Deng Xianhe and Song Poetics in Daoguang and Xianfeng Periods |
ZHOU Fang |
(School of Literature & Journalism of Shandong University, Jinan 250100, China) |
Abstract: Deng Xianhe was a famous philology expert and a poet in the history of Hunan Province. He insisted that both poems of Tang dynasty and poems of Song dynasty are well written. Among ancient poets, he preferred Du fu, Han Yu, Su Shi, Huang Tingjian and so on. His poems were full of momentum and reached a high level. He had impact on Song poetics in Daoguang and Xianfeng periods. He got it with the help of his friends Zeng Yu and Cheng Enze. |
Key words: Deng Xianhe; Jiangxi poems; advocate poems of Song dynasty; Zeng Yu; Cheng Enze |