文章编号:1672-3104(2011)06-0170-06 |
“创造力”与教育的大众化 |
刘畅 |
(武汉大学社会学系,湖北武汉,430072) |
摘 要: 以陶行知为个案,分析现代创造观念兴起与社会变动之间的关联。陶行知的创造观念认为创造力是一种个人能力,具有普遍性、潜伏性、行动性这三种特点。这种内涵与其教育大众化和教育平等的主张是一致的,依据创造能力的特点,陶行知致力于重新设定教育资源分配模式,调整文化资本的内容构成,转变教育场域的权力关系模式。陶行知的创造观念是在教育救国的宗旨下,知识分子发动和联合民众力量的一种努力。 |
关键词: 陶行知;创造教育;创造观念;现代知识分子;民众 |
Creativity and Popular Education: A Sociological Study about Tao Xingzhi’s Education Theories |
LIU Chang |
(Department of Sociology, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430072, China) |
Abstract: This paper examines Tao Xingzhi’s concept of “creativity”. Tao expounded creativity as an individual’s ability, both innate quality and a result of training. Based on the characteristics of creativity, Tao tried to reset the distribution of educational resources and the content of cultural capital, and changed the relationship between the teacher and the student. Tao’s concept of creativity was a way for establishing new relationship between the modern intellectual and populace. |
Key words: Tao Xingzhi; education of creativity; concept of creativity; modern intellectual; populace |