文章编号:1672-3104(2011)06-0139-05 |
东西部城市对经济波动的敏感性研究 |
袁放建,吴瑾,马冠群 |
(陕西师范大学国际商学院,陕西西安,710062) |
摘 要: 全球金融危机对我国经济发展造成了很大影响,但各个区域经济有其自身特点,使得这种影响呈现差异。利用股票市场中的期望收益——贝塔关系原理,采用经济增长率的历史数据,选取广州和西安作为比较研究对象,研究了经济波动对东西部城市影响的敏感性的差异,并以差异性为出发点,提出东西部城市发展规划及建议。 |
关键词: 金融危机,经济波动,β系数,区域经济 |
On eastern city of sensitivity to economic fluctuations——Based on Beta |
Yuan Fangjian, WU Jin, MA Guanqun |
(International Business School of Shaanxi Normal University, xi’an, 710062, China) |
Abstract: Global financial crisis had a significant and differentiation impact on China's economic development, each having, its own regional economic characteristics. Taking approach to the study by the stock market expected return ——Beta to research the economic impact of fluctuations on the sensitivity of eastern cities, in the use of the growth historical data, the authors selected Guangzhou and Xi'an as a comparison target. By calculating the beta values, the research result shows that: Guangzhou and Xi'an behavior is different in the economic fluctuations of sensitivity. |
Key words: Financial crisis; economic fluctuations; Beta; regional economic |