自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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摘  要: 我国1998年土地法以保障粮食安全为主要目的,忽略了保障生态安全的目的;且侧重于保障耕地数量。“主体功能区”已成为全国国土空间布局的新办法,保障生态安全和粮食安全应成为土地法修改的主要意图。土地法的修改应将生态用地列为独立的土地利用类型;将土地用途管制制度扩大适用于生态用地;强化耕地的生态功能和质量保护条款,明确生态退耕地为生态用地;将生态利益明确为公共利益,以遏制对耕地以及生态用地的随意占用。
关键词: 土地法;粮食安全;生态安全;耕地;生态用地;用途管制
On revision of land law: a perspective from ecological safety& food safety
TANG Shuange, ZHENG Taifu
(Law School, Hunan University, Changsha 410082, China;
Law Faculty, Hunan Police College, Changsha 410013, China)
Abstract: To safeguard food safety is the fundamental purpose of the Land Administration Law 1998. However, the Land Administration Law 1998 focuses on the guarantee of the amount of cultivated land and ecological safety is missed in it. In view that main functional area has become the new method to specially distribute national territory, the guarantee of food safety and ecological safety should at the same time be seen as the major intentions of the Land Administration Law 1998 which will be revised. This paper makes the following suggestions. Ecological land should be seen as an independent land type. The land regulation system should be extended to be applied to ecological land. The articles on the ecological function construction and quality protection of cultivated land in Land Administration Law 1998 should be strengthened. The cultivated land that should be ecologically restored should be considered as ecological land. Moreover, ecological interests should be seen as public interests so that ecological land and cultivated land performing important ecological function will not be occupied at random.
Key words: food safety; ecological safety; cultivated land; ecological land; use regulation
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