文章编号:1672-3104(2011)06-0029-05 |
中日关系的现状及未来走向 |
娄伟 |
(漳州师范学院政法系,福建漳州,363000) |
摘 要: 中国崛起以及日本对中国崛起的矛盾认知决定了中日关系的基本格局。2010年9月钓鱼岛撞船事件发生 后,中日关系进入了新的低点,但现在乃至未来的长时段内,中日关系仍是一种“竞争中合作”的关系。撞船事件平息后,中日之间开始进入新一轮的调整期,日本大地震为中日关系的改善提供了契机,中国在这次中日关系调整中将占据更多的主动。考虑到日本的灾后重建与经济恢复离不开中国,日本民主党对历史问题的现实态度和中日之间的权力变更,在未来,中日之间的经济相互依存度将会进一步加深,政治关系将进入一个新的发展阶段,而在军事安全、能源安全等领域的竞争有可能加剧,但不会演变成大国对抗。 |
关键词: 中日关系;中国崛起;撞船事件;日本大地震;日本民主党 |
China’s peaceful development and the future of Sino-Japanese relations |
LOU wei |
(Department of Politics and Law of Zhangzhou Normal Collage, Zhangzhou 363000, China) |
Abstract: China and Japan are regional powers in East Asia, there have been not only contradictions but also close politics and economic ties. Japan’s awareness of China’s peaceful development is contradictory. Japan believes that China’s peaceful development is both a threat and an opportunity. The Sino-Japanese relations cannot worsen into the great nation resistance. Sino-Japanese relations will be a kind of “competitive cooperation” relationship, which could prompt the mutual dependence. |
Key words: Sino-Japanese relations; China’s rise; the collision event; Japan earthquake; Democratic Party of Japan |