自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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摘  要: 我国劳动报酬持续走低的根本原因在于缺乏平等博弈的工资集体协商制度。工资集体协商制度体现了现代工业社会对合作主义的必然要求。现代工业社会的合作是组织化的合作,承认私利的独立性,但不主张绝对的私利,而是自治与权威的统一。我国工资集体协商制度建设具有工会组织连续存在的组织基础、国家权威和社会各阶层合作和协商的丰富经验和思想基础,但同时存在工会依附性和行政化倾向、市民社会发育不全及微观的经济的合作和协商不足的挑战。应通过组建行业工会,改革和完善工会体系;整合社会资源,培育自治性行业雇主组织;积极转变职能,有效发挥政府作用,建设符合中国国情的工资集体协商制度。
关键词: 合作主义;自治;权威;行业;工资集体协商制度
Construction of wage collective consultation institution under collaborationism
YI Chonghua
(Theory Economics Mobile Station for the Post-doctors, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430072, China)
Abstract: The fact that fundamental reason for remuneration of labor has dropped in constantly in our country lies in lacking wage collective consultation institution with equal gaming. Wage collective consultation institution symbolizes that modern industry society asks for collaborationism. Collaboration in modern industrial society is an organized one, admitting selfish interests′ independence but not standing for absolute selfish interests, and it is union of autonomy and authority. Construction of wage collective consultation institution in our country has advantages in organization basis of trade union’s persistent existence, state authority, and rich experiences and thought basis of society collaboration and consultation at all levels. At the same time, it is faced with grave challenges in trade union’s dependence and administrative tendency, civil society’s undergrowth and deficiency of microcosmic and economic collaboration and consultation. We should construct wage collective consultation institution in conformity with China’s concrete conditions by means of setting up industry union, reforming and perfecting union system, integrating social resources, fostering autonomic industry employer’s organization, and actively changing the functions and effectively so as to give play to the government.
Key words: collaborationism; autonomy; authority; industry; wage collective consultation institution
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