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自然科学版 英文版


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(湖南师范大学文学院,湖南长沙 410081)
摘  要: 唐代蛮族众多,多分布在江南西道、岭南道、黔中道、剑南道等地区,由于远离政治中心,加上经济文化落后,蛮区在唐王朝中的政治地位被边缘化了,成了安置贬官和低级官员的地方。文人涉蛮多是被动的,在他们诗中常表现出畏蛮、骚怨、漂泊、思家、恋阙等心理。但由于涉蛮诗人个性气质不同,所处政治环境有别及蛮区的汉化程度不一样,使得他们的涉蛮诗在呈现出一定共性时又表现出较大差异性。由于内容及创作背景特殊,涉蛮诗具有多方面的价值,同时文人的涉蛮对于提升蛮区文化水平,创造弱势文化区域的强势文学具有重要意义。
关键词: 唐代客籍文人;唐诗;涉蛮诗;边缘化;涉蛮心理
A Study of Poetry Written by Poets in the Barbarian Regions in
Tang Dynasty
XIAO Xianjun
(College of Liberal Arts, Hunan Normal University, Changsha 410081, China)
Abstract: Many barbarians are mostly located in Jiangnanxi Tao, Lingnan Tao, Qianzhong Tao, Jiannan Tao and other areas in Tang Dynasty. Being far away from the political center, coupled with the unenlightened economy and culture, the political status of the barbarian areas was marginalized in Tang Dynasty, and the areas were all for their settlement of the banished officials and low-level officials. The poets were mostly passive when they entered the barbarian region, a variety of psychological complex were often manifested in their poems, such as the fear of barbarians, sorrow and resentment, drifting, homesick, nostalgic for the empire and so on. However, due to the different poetic temperament and political environment and the level of civilization in the barbarian regions, there were great differences in their poems while showing the common characteristics. The poems written by poets in the barbarian regions are provided with many values because of their special content and written background. Furthermore, the poets entering the barbarian regions are of great significance to enhance the cultural level of the barbarian regions, to create the strong regional literature in disadvantaged cultural regions.
Key words: Emigrant Poets in Tang Dynasty; Poems in Tang Dynasty; poetry written by poets in the barbarian regions; marginalization; psychological complex poets entered the barbarian region
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