文章编号:1672-3104(2008)01−0132−05 |
《天问》简帛释证 |
李永明,黄灵庚 |
(西北大学文学院,陕西西安,710127; 浙江师范大学人文学院,浙江金华,321004) |
摘 要: 运用王国维先生“二重证据法”,取上世纪以来大量出土的简帛文献与传世文献相互印证,释证《天问》原文及王逸章句。主要研究有:一、字义的释证,如利用《长沙子弹库战国楚帛书》《郭店楚简》释证出“昆仑悬圃,其凥安在”,一句中的“凥”应作“居”讲,而不是通常认为的作“尾闾”讲;二、文献的相互印证,如利用战国楚竹书《容成氏》中有关夏、商、周三代历史的内容,与《天问》中的有关内容相互印证;三、文义的释证,如《张家山汉墓竹简引书》对“受寿永多,夫何久长”一句的释证。 |
关键词: 楚辞研究;《天问》;简帛文献;二重证据法 |
The exegesis on Tianwen with literature of bamboo slips and silk |
LI Yongming, HUANG Linggeng |
(College of Literature, Northwest University, Xi’an 710127, China; College of Humanities, Zhejiang Normal University, Jinhua 321004, China) |
Abstract: According to Wang Guowei’s method of dual evidence, attesting with the literature of bamboo slips and silk and literature of which handed down from ancient times, this article has noted the Tianwen. The exegesis on the TianWen included three aspects: first, to note the meaning of the word in text and notation of the TianWen; second, to corroborate literatures each other; third, to note fact of Tianwen with literature of bamboo slips and silk. |
Key words: The research on “the songs of Chu”; Tianwen; literature of bamboo slips and silk; method of dual corroboration |