文章编号:1672-3104(2008)01−0123−04 |
精神寻根与偶像制造——写在《恰同学少年》热播背后 |
魏颖 |
(中南大学文学院,湖南长沙,410083) |
摘 要: 《恰同学少年》之所以热播,从审美文化视角看,是因其平民化视角叙事,将历史问题现代化,从立志、修身这一层面来营构了青少年群体的成才“白日梦”。湖湘文化则成为该剧的核心价值,满足了社会转型期观众进行精神寻根的审美期待。
关键词: 《恰同学少年》; 湖湘文化; 偶像 |
To trace the spiritual source and to produce the idol——Behind the hit of“Young we were schoolmates” |
WEI Ying |
(School of Chinese Language and Literature, Cental South University, Changsha 410083, China) |
Abstract: The author attempts to discuss the aesthetic and cultural rootage behind the hit of“Young we were schoolmates”. To narrate in common people’s visual angle, to modernize historical matter and to construct youthful daydream about becoming a useful person on the level of setting one’s ambition and cultivating one’s morality make this teleplay successful in producing the idol. Huxiang Culture is a kernel value of the teleplay,which meets spectators’aesthetic expectation to trace the spiritual source. |
Key words: “Young we were schoolmates”; Huxiang Culture; idol |