文章编号:1672-3104(2008)01−0084−05 |
农业上市公司经营业绩的时序多指标综合评价 |
郑少锋1,何凤平1,2,霍学喜1 |
(1. 西北农林科技大学经管学院, 陕西杨凌,712100; 2. 安徽师范大学经管学院, 安徽芜湖,241003) |
摘 要: 目前对农业上市公司经营业绩的评价多采用因子分析、模糊数学综合评价、DEA、灰色关联分析等多指标综合评价方法。这些综合评价方法都主要集中对农业上市公司静态(某一时间点)的综合业绩分析,针对公司某一时间段的动态综合分析不够充分。此研究在构建农业上市公司综合评价指标体系的基础上,结合主成分分析方法和理想解法,运用时序多指标综合评价原理对49家农业上市公司2004—2006年这一时间段的经营业绩进行了实证分析。提出的动态综合评价方法有利于投资者和决策者对农业上市公司未来时期经营业绩状况的预测,为投资决策和经营决策提供更可靠的保障。 |
关键词: 农业上市公司;主成分分析;理想解法;时序多指标综合评价 |
Multiple index comprehensive evaluation with time series of publicagricultural companies |
ZHENG Shaofeng1, HE Fengping1,2, HUO Xuexi1 |
(1. College of Economics and Management, Northwest Sci-Tech University of Agriculture and Forestry,Yangling 712100, China;2. College of Economics and Management, Teacher-training University of Anhui, Wuhu 241000, China) |
Abstract: Lately, factor analysis method, synthetical evaluation method with fuzzy maths and DEA method are used to appraise public agricultural companies. These methods are all static methods.The paper first points out synthetical indexes. Then a new method of multiple index synthetical evaluation with time series of public agricultural companies is provided, which is composed of principle component analysis and ideal point method. Finally an example about the method in public agricultural companies is used. This method is very important for protecting investors’interest and improving public agricultural companies’ making. |
Key words: public agricultural companies; principal component analysis; ideal point method; dynamic comprehensive evaluation |