文章编号:1672-3104(2008)01−0053−05 |
论休谟的财产权理论 |
伍志燕 |
(武汉大学哲学学院,湖北武汉,430072) |
摘 要: 按照休谟的说法,稳定财物占有、依据同意转移所有物、履行许诺,此三者乃财产权的基本法则。这三项法则揭示了财产权的起源、发展过程,他的财产权理论构成了古典经济学、政治哲学、法学的中心内容,有深远影响和现实意义。 |
关键词: 休谟; 财产权; 正义 |
A theory on David Hume’s property rights |
WU Zhiyan |
(School of Philosophy, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430072, China) |
Abstract: According to David Hume’s parlance, the stability of possession, transference by consent, and performance are the elementary laws of property rights. The paper systematically expounds the theory on David Hume’s property rights, and reveals its origin, developing and massive significance in the field of classical economics, political philosophy and law. |
Key words: david Hume; property rights; justice |