自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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张明明, 丁治民
摘  要: 赵谦一生著述丰富,其著作多涉及文字、音韵,属浙江道学学系,学术影响很大。以前认为赵氏的著作多已散失,只存《六书本义》《声音文字通》《学范》三种,研究发现其存世著作多达七种,其中《考古续集》藏于中国科学院国家科学图书馆,古籍善本书目均不记载。该馆在记录赵氏著作时,混淆了实为一人的赵谦和赵古则。文章对赵氏存的这七种著作进行了考述。
关键词:  赵谦;《六书本义》;《声音文字通》;《造化经纶图》;《学范》;《考古文集》;《考古遗集》;《考古续集》
A criticism on the life and works of Zhao Qian in the ming dynasty
ZHANG Mingming, DING ZHimin
(School of the Humanities of Wenzhou University, Wenzhou 325035,China)
Abstract: Zhao Qian had written many works about linguistics and phonetics in his life, especially aufait at character. He learned from many scholars and masters in Zhejiang Province, China.He had a great influence on people in the Ming dynasty.His Sheng Yin Wen Zi Tong was adopted in The Yong Le Canon. His Liu Shu Ben Yi had produced an important effect on the research of character.Most of his works have been believed lost except Liu Shu Ben Yi, Sheng Yin Wen Zi Tong and Xue Fan. We found his seven works still exist. Especially Kao Gu Xu Ji, which has been kept in National Science Library of Chinese Academy of Sciences and no record can be found in all kinds of bibliographies, the most important thing is that Zhao Qian and Zhao Guze are generally mutually mistaken. Actually, the two names mean one person. The thesis discusses his seven works in detail.
Key words: ZHAO Qian; Liu Shu Ben Yi; Sheng Yin Wen Zi Tong; Zao Hua Jing Lun Tun,Xue Fan; Kao Gu Wen Ji; Kao Gu Yi Ji; Kao Gu Xu Ji
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