文章编号:1672-3104(2011)04-0160-05 |
他者视野下的李清照婚姻解读 |
殷晓燕 |
(成都大学文学与新闻传播学院,四川成都,610106) |
摘 要: 李清照与赵明诚的幸福婚姻在中国文学史上早已成为佳话,但事实是否如同人们所认为的那样呢?美国汉学家宇文所安,在脱离了中国传统认知的西方文化视野下,以英美新批评的“细读”语义之法入手,通过研读李清照的《金石录后序》,得出看似美满的李赵婚姻中,实际上潜藏着汹涌暗潮的结论。 |
关键词: 国外汉学;李清照;赵明诚;宇文所安;内心隐秘;细读 |
The interpretation on Li Qingzhao’s marriage that in
others’ vision—takeing the Stephen Owen’s “inter secret” as example |
YIN Xiaoyan |
(College of Literature and Jouranlism of Chengdu University, Chengdu 610106, China) |
Abstract: The happy marriage of Li Qingzhao and her husband Zhao Mingcheng has been a fine story on everyone’s lips in the Chinese literature history. In fact, however, it remains a question whether it is really like what people considered? Through researching the studies made by American sinologist by Stephen Owen, under the vision of Western culture that breaks away from traditional cognition of China, breakthrough from the method used by English and American criticism of reading semantic meaning attentively, and researching Li’s epilogue for mental and stone collection, this paper brings about the conclusion that there had been the hidden trouble in the seemingly happy marriage of Li and Zhao this paper long ago. |
Key words: others; Li Qingzhao; Stephen Owen; inter secret; read attentively |