文章编号:1672-3104(2007)06−0730−05 |
白先勇小说同性恋者的悲剧命运探微 |
黄伟雄 [马来西亚] |
(南京师范大学文学院,江苏南京,210097) |
摘 要: 白先勇的小说脍炙人口,其中不乏以同性恋为题材的小说。1988年,白先勇公开了自己的性取向。因此,从白先勇的小说看同性恋的世界,不再是雾里看花。白先勇以他独特的小说技巧描述同性恋者的悲剧命运。同性恋者的命运是充满悲剧的,同性恋者一生被流在血液里的生理欲望孽魔纠缠。年轻俊美时,尚能容易满足生理欲望孽魔的需要;随着时光流逝,年岁增长,面容逐渐衰老,再也无法轻易满足生理欲望孽魔的需要。为此,老同性恋者得奔波劳碌、伺机寻找可以满足他们生理欲望孽魔需要的青春鸟,不少的同性恋者也因着得了爱滋病而离开世界。同性恋者一生的命运是悲哀的,白先勇悲天悯人的情怀让读者更深入地了解了同性恋者的世界和他们黑暗的国度。 |
关键词: 白先勇;同性恋;性取向;黑暗的国度;悲剧命运 |
On the tragic fate of homosexuals in Bai Xianyong’s novellas |
Wong Wee Shung (Malaysia) |
(School of Chinese Language and Literature, Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing 210097, China) |
Abstract: Bai Xianyong has written many novellas which enjoyed great popularity. Among these marvelous novellas, some pieces portrait the motif of homosexuality. In 1988, Bai Xianyong acknowledged his homosexual tendency. Hence, to explore the world of homosexuality through the studies of Bai Xianyong’s novellas is no more in vague impression. Bai Xian Yong has written in his novellas to expound the tragic fate of the old homosexuals with a very unique and distinctive way. The melancholy feeling of Bai Xianyong in these pieces permits readers to comprehend the homosexual world and the kingdom of darkness in a more profound way. |
Key words: Bai Cianyong; homosexuality; sexual tendency; kingdom of darkness; tragic fate |