文章编号:1672-3104(2011)04-0120-05 |
冷战初期(1949~1954)美国对东欧准军事行动探析 |
伍斌 |
(东北师范大学历史文化学院,吉林长春,130024) |
摘 要: 冷战初期,准军事行动作为美国对外隐蔽行动战略的重要子战略之一,在美国实施冷战过程中发挥着特殊作用。这期间美国集中对东欧诸社会主义国家实施规模不等、特点各异的准军事行动。包括东欧在内的整个欧洲是美苏核心利益所在,美国在此地的准军事行动必须控制规模、谨防热战,但由于技术层面上准备不足以及欠缺文化上的考虑,行动均告失败。 |
关键词: 战后初期;冷战;准军事行动;中央情报局;东欧 |
An analysis of the Paramilitary Operation of the United States in
Eastern Europe in the Early Period of Cold War (1949-1954) |
WU Bin |
(School of History and Culture, Northeast Normal University, Changchun 130024, China) |
Abstract: As a branch of covert action, paramilitary operation played a special important role in American foreign policies in the early period of the Cold War (1949-1954). During the time, the United States implemented paramilitary operations on nearly all socialist countries in Eastern Europe. These actions in Eastern Europe were under strict control in order to avoid war with Soviet Union, because that is where the key interest is. Due to inadequate preparation and a lack of cultural consideration, all of these actions ended in failure. |
Key words: early post-war period; Cold War; paramilitary operation; CIA; Eastern Europe |