文章编号:1672-3104(2011)04-0086-05 |
品牌社区认同因素对社区成员行为倾向影响研究 |
张保花,胡旺盛,张三宝 |
(1. 铜陵学院工商管理系,安徽铜陵,244000;2. 安徽财经大学工商管理学院,安徽蚌埠,233030;
3. 铜陵学院金融学系,安徽铜陵,244000) |
摘 要: 通过文献研究,从品牌社区认同出发,在结合品牌社区理论、组织认同理论和组织承诺理论等领域已有的研究成果的基础之上,以“动感地带”社区为研究对象,利用SPSS13.0和LISREL8.70统计软件,就品牌社区认同的三个因素对社区成员行为倾向的影响情况进行了实证研究,研究结果发现认知、情感和评价三个因素对社区成员保护相关品牌倾向和抵制竞争品牌倾向的影响存在明显差异。 |
关键词: 品牌社区;“动感地带”;社区认同;顾客行为倾向;社区认知;社区情感 |
The influence of the factors of brand community identity on
brand community members behavior tendency |
ZHANG Baohua, HU Wangsheng, ZHANG Sanbao |
(1. Department of Industry and Business Administration, Tongling University, Tongling 244000, China;
2. Business College, Anhui University of Finance and Ecnomics, Bengbu 233030, China;
3. Department of Finance, Tongling University, Tongling 244000, China) |
Abstract: The brand community is currently the forefront subject of the study of brand theories at home and abroad. The cognition, the affection and the appraisal are the three factors of the brand community identity. The study it finds that the three factors have different influences on the tendency that the community members protect the relevant brands and repell the competitive brands. |
Key words: Brand Community; M-Zone; Brand Community Identity; Customer Behavior Tendency; Community Cognize; Community Affection |