自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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摘  要: 近代中国新医学的传入与在华的基督教会密不可分。以湘雅之首创者胡美( Edward·Hicks·Hume)等西方传教士在中国传播西方医学,不光培养了近代医学人才,促进了当地公共卫生事业的进步,更重要的帮助人们树立起了近代公共卫生意识和文明观念。体现中外合作精神的湘雅医学院对湖南,对中国社会都有着重大的意义。西医入华的社会效应远远超过了医学本身,扩大到了公共卫生、妇女解放及近代化等方面。
关键词: 西医入华;中国新医学;湘雅医学院;基督教会事业
Xiangya Medical College and the social influence exerted by the introduction of western medicine
(Department of History, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210093,China)
Abstract: The history of western medicine being introduced into China is tightly associated with missionary practices. This paper will discuss how the foreign priests affected the traditional Chinese society by promoting western medicine knowledge, according to the experience of Edward∙H∙Hume, the founder of Xiangya Medical School. They contributed to China with not only the cultivation of medical students, but also the consciousness of public sanitation and modern civilization. This paper is divided into three parts. the first one: the Change of Ethos in Changsha and the Entrance of Missionary, focuses on the political situation in 1905, and makes a review of the missionary in Hunan. The second one: the Practice of Yali Hospital, analyzes the reason why the western medicine is popularly accepted, according to the experience of Hume. The last and the most important part: Yale-in-China and Hunan Government Found Xiangya Medical School in Cooperation is a history of Xiangya Medical School, which discusses the significance of this cooperation. In conclusion, the author belives that Xiangya Medical School is a model of cooperation, which means a lot to Hunan and China. And the introduction of western medicine effected beyond medicine only, it exerts great influence over the public sanitation , women’s liberation and the modernization.
Key words: introduction of western medicine; Chinese new medicine; Hsiangya medical college; christian enterprises
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