文章编号:1672-3104(2011)03-0089-05 |
围城内外的迷失:从婚恋关系到恶性犯罪 |
陈伟,谢菲 |
(西南政法大学法学院,重庆,401120;重庆市合川区人民检察院,重庆,401519) |
摘 要: 婚恋关系作为社会生活中的特殊类型,因其引发的高频率恶性刑事案件格外惹人注目。通过对现实案情的分析,可以看到此类案件的发生具有不同于社会一般犯罪的自身特点,且在诸多方面暴露出一些值得我们注意的典型性特征。因婚恋关系引发的刑案具有特殊的生成机制,在厘清其基本现状和原因的基础上,针对性地采取多元对策是行之有效的预防或减少此类案件发生的现实路径。 |
关键词: 婚恋;恶性犯罪;调解机制;案情分析 |
On the maze of encircled city:
from marriage and amativeness to malignant crime |
CHEN Wei, XIE Fei |
(Law School, Southwest University of Political Science and Law, Chongqing 401120, China;
The People’s Procuratorate of Hechuan District of Chongqing, Chongqing 401519, China) |
Abstract: The relationship of marriage and amativeness, acting as a special kind of social connection, resulted in lots of malignant crimes catching everyone’s eye. By positivist analysis of law cases, we can see their own characteristics discriminating other criminal cases, and these cases embody lots of representative aspects noticeably. These cases are provided with exceptive forming mechanism, thus we shall take multifold measures to prevent or decrease this type of cases based on finding out basic status quo and realistic causations. |
Key words: marriage and amativeness; malignant crime; causation analysis; realistic route |