文章编号:1672-3104(2011)03-0026-04 |
休谟的自由贸易理论探析 |
张华 |
(中山大学教育学院,广东广州,510275) |
摘 要: 休谟在他的经济论文《论商业》《论贸易平衡》《论贸易的猜忌》中阐述了自由贸易理论。其核心思想包括:对重商主义的批判;对自由贸易的积极作用的肯定;反对政府设置各种贸易壁垒禁止进口;反对广泛流行的贸易猜忌思想,鼓励竞争。他的自由贸易理论不仅对亚当·斯密的自由主义思想形成有着重要影响,也对贸易保护主义的抨击与抵制以及当今世界经济发展具有重要的现实指导意义,但其理论缺陷在于他的自由贸易理论是在不合理的货币数量论的基础上形成的。 |
关键词: 休谟;《论商业》;《论贸易平衡》;《论贸易的猜忌》;自由贸易理论;重商主义;亚当•斯密 |
Research on Hume’s free trade theory |
(School of Education, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou 510275, China)
Abstract:Hume expounded free trade theory in his economic essays such as “Of commerce” “Of the Balance of Trade” “Of the Jealousy of Trade”. The central thought included the critique of mercantilism, the affirmation of the positive role of free trade, opposing government to setting up various trade barrier to forbid importing, opposing to prevalent trade jealousy and encouraging competition. His free trade theory had not only important influence on the formation of Adam Smith’s liberalistic economic thought but also important realistic guiding significance in attacking and boycotting trade protectionism and worldwide economic development nowadays. But its theoretical fault lied in which his free trade theory was formed on the basis of unreasonable monetary quantity theory.) |
Abstract: Hume expounded free trade theory in his economic essays such as “Of commerce” “Of the Balance of Trade” “Of the Jealousy of Trade”. The central thought included the critique of mercantilism, the affirmation of the positive role of free trade, opposing government to setting up various trade barrier to forbid importing, opposing to prevalent trade jealousy and encouraging competition. His free trade theory had not only important influence on the formation of Adam Smith’s liberalistic economic thought but also important realistic guiding significance in attacking and boycotting trade protectionism and worldwide economic development nowadays. But its theoretical fault lied in which his free trade theory was formed on the basis of unreasonable monetary quantity theory. |
Key words: Hume; “of commerce”; “of the Balance of Trade”; “of the Jealousy of Trade”; free trade theory; mercantilism; Adam Smith |