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自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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摘  要: 赵尊岳是现代词学大家,其杰出的词学成就主要体现在词学目录学上。他的词学目录学著作主要有三种:《词集提要》《惜阴堂汇刻明词提要》《惜阴堂明词丛书叙录》。《词集提要》在著录上仿《四库提要》之例,而较《四库提要》为详。在版本上赵尊岳多注明版本流传及版本的形态,品评时也多能发明词集之精义及指陈其利弊,著录中多附录原书之序跋、体例,同时对于词集的卷数分布也一一注明。《惜阴堂明词丛书叙录》阐述了他辑刻《明词汇刊》的动因、明词在词史上应占之地位、明词衰疲之因以及丛书体例。《惜阴堂汇刻明词提要》则反映了赵尊岳对明代个体词人的看法,其著录多能道出明词之精义,也可推翻明无词之说。
关键词: 赵尊岳;词学目录学;《词集提要》;《明词提要》;《明词叙录》
On Bibliography on Ci-Study of Zhao Zunyue
FU Yubin
(Department of Chinese literature, YunNan Normal University, Kunming 650500, China)
Abstract: Zhao Zunyue is a master of Morden Ci-Study. His outstanding achievements are mainly reflected in Bibliography on Ci-Study. He has three works in the area: Summary in Collection of Ci, Summary in Ming-Ci printed by Xi Yin Tang, Entry to series of Ming-Ci printed by Xi Yin Tang. The first book is more careful than SiKu Summary, though it imitates the style of the later. In the version, Zhao Zunyue mainly notes version of the form and its propagation; in judgement, in which he sets out the essence of the Collection and discovers disadvantages and advantages. Besides, he copies the prefaces and legends of the original books, and, the number of volumes cellection also stated. The second sets out his motivation, the position in the history of Ming-Ci and reasons of its incline. The third reflects Zhao Zunyue’s views on individual in Ming-Ci. The essence of Ming-Ci is summed up. He also overthrows the prejudice that Ming Dynasty has no good works on Ci.
Key words: Zhao Zunyue; Bibliography on Ci-Study; Summary in Collection of Ci; Summary in Ming-Ci; Entry on series of Ming-Ci
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