自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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摘  要: 主流的房地产文献很少研究住宅购买力对家庭结构的影响。而且,这些研究大多忽视了家庭的特性,片面地将家庭当做经济主体。本质上讲,家庭是一个情感、情绪和智力交织的系统。事实上,我国城市中的高房价已经超出了普通居民的承受力,对家庭结构的影响较大。根据家庭系统理论分析《蜗居》描述的家庭场景中住宅购买力对家庭结构的影响,表明高房价带来的经济压力改变了情感力,经济压力和情感力在家庭中和家庭之间传导,自我分化和三角关系在家庭结构转型中起了重要的作用。
关键词: 住宅购买力;家庭结构;家庭系统理论;购房;自我分化;情感力;《蜗居》
Study on effect of housing affordability on family structure
(School of Economics and Management, Xuchang University, Xuchang 461000, China)
Abstract: China has experienced a crazy increase in house prices with rapid growth of economy these years. Families make up a significant proportion of the real estate market. There is, however, little information in mainstream real estate literature on the impact of housing affordability on family structure. And the studies neglect nature of family considering family as economic agent partially. In essence, family is a system consisting of feeling, emotion and intellegence. In fact, high housing prices in the Chinese city are considered beyond the purchasing capability of the ordinary residents. Effect of housing affordability on family structure has been little studied. Based on family system theory, this paper analyses the impact of housing affordability on family structure in the scenario depicted by “Woju”. “Woju” reflects the way modern home ownership has become such a burden on urban people. The show was so realistic that it can be considered as a social case to study. The analysis shows that housing affordability exerts influence on family structure. Economic pressure created by high house prices changes feeling force. Economic pressure and feeling force transmit in and between families. Dfferentiation of self and triangling play an important role in transconformation of family structure.
Key words: housing affordability; family structure; family system theory; house purchase; dfferentiation of self; feeling force; “Woju”  (small flats)
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