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自然科学版 英文版


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摘  要: 三都大官是北魏前期一个极为重要的官制,它可决狱,可率兵出征,又可辅政,拥有其它职官难以比拟的权力。它有自己的长官和僚属,却没有固定的品秩;可以决狱,但不是都官尚书和廷尉;可以领兵出征,但不是骠骑大将军;可以辅政却不是宰相。实际上三都大官是北魏大人官的遗留,是个勋官,用以笼络功勋卓著者和中原士人等各阶层的力量,藉此来稳固自己的统治。随着孝文拓跋宏的全面汉化,三都大官最终被废除。
关键词: 北魏;三都大官;都坐;勋官
A Textual Research of San Du Da Guan in Beiwei Dynasty
BAI Juncai
(Post-doctoral Program in Art and Literature, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing 100732, China)
Abstract: San Du Da Guan was one of important official positions in Beiwei Dynasty. The officials holding this position were capable of deciding a case, commanding troops and going out to battles, and assisting affairs of state. They had powers with which other officials hardly matched. Such officials had their commanding officers and subordinates, but they did not have ranks. They were able to decide a case, but were not entitled Duguanshangshu and Tingwei; they were able to command troops and going out to battles, but they were not generals of Biaoqi; they could assist affairs of state, but none of them was prime minister. As a matter of fact, San Du Da Guan belonged to Da Ren Guan of Beiwei Dynasty. It was a feudal title for persons who had rendered outstanding services, the establishment of which was to win the supports of forces of different social classes. With the comprehensive learning of Han culture, San Du Da Guan was finally abolished by Tuobahong, Emperor Xiaowen.
Key words: Beiwei Dynasty; San Du Da Guan; Duzuo; official who has rendered outstanding service
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