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自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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摘  要: 在现代化的社会转型时期出现了较为严重的道德危机,其实质是传统道德范式向现代道德范式转换过程中的断层所导致的道德信念危机。一方面,基于现代主体理性自律的现代道德在中国还缺乏相应的社会根基和文化根基,并受到各种社会不公正现象的扭曲与消解;另一方面,依赖于各种他律形式的传统道德与现代社会生活的本质要求不相适应,并且在一定程度上阻碍和冲击着现代道德在现代社会中的确立。厘清当代中国社会转型时期道德危机的实质并分析其社会和文化根源,有助于从根本上认识和应对当前的道德危机,为长期的道德建设奠定基础、指明方向。
关键词: 道德危机;信念危机;社会文化根源;社会转型;道德建设
Essence of “Moral Crisis” and its social and cultrural origin
DU Zaohua
(School of Philosophy and Society Development, HuaQiao University, Xiamen 361021, China)
Abstract: There appears a quite serious moral crsis in the period of modernization and social transformation whose essence is the crisis of moral belief caused by the fault from the process in which the traditional moral paradigm transforms to the modern moral paradigm. On the one hand, there still lacks of the social and cultrual foundation that corresponding to the modern moral based on the rational self-discipline of modern subject in China, and the modern moral is being distorted and dispelled by all sorts of social injustice phenomenon; On the other hand, the traditional moral based on all sorts of heteronomy does not meet the essential demand of modern social lief, and to some extent, it hinders and impacts the modern morality and its establishment in modern society. It’s helpful to understand and cope with the current moral crisis radically by recognizing the essence of the current moral crisis in the period of social transformation in China and analyzing its social and cultrual origin, so as to lay a foundation and show a direction for a long moral construction.
Key words: moral crisis; belief crisis; social and cultrual origin; Social transformation; moral construction
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