自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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摘  要: 消费主义时代的到来,引发了人类审美取向和艺术实践的转变,艺术的真理和意义维度遭遇了以消遣娱乐为主导的消费文化的解构。基于这样的时代背景,关于艺术形而上学意蕴的追问就尤为必要。在生存论维度上,艺术的形而上学意蕴与人的天性之间具有内在一致性,它根植并依赖于人的升华之需要。通过对西方美学家之艺术观的纵向考察,也可见出形而上学性是艺术的内在意蕴和本质属性。消费时代里,为谋求最大化的商业利益,满足消费大众的身体欲望,艺术表现出商业化、低俗化、物欲化的倾向,这就吁求艺术理应在最底线上坚守作为其根基的形而上学意蕴,积极应对消费文化的挑战,担负起关注人的现实生存境遇,提升人的精神品味的历史重任。
关键词: 艺术;消费文化;人的天性;审美;娱乐;形而上学意蕴;消费主义
Inquiry on the metaphysical implication of art
WEI Shuanxi
(College of Language and Literature, Shaanxi Normal University, Xian 710062, China)
Abstract: The era of consumerism is coming, which leads to human’s aesthetic orientation and artistic practice has shifted, and the metaphysical implication of art has been gradually diluted or disappear, because of the mass entertainment culture of resistance and impact. Based on this background of the times, it is necessary to inquiry the metaphysical implication of art. On the dimension of Existentialism, metaphysical implication of art and human implication has the internal consistency, which is rooted in and dependent on the person's own transcendence. Through the longitudinal study on the art of the western concept of esthetician, which can also prove that the metaphysical implication is the art’s Inherent implication and essential property. In the era of consumerism, art toward the edge of danger or even degeneration, which is due to excessive consumption to accommodate the public’s instinctive desire and needs of low-level, which requires art to adhere to the metaphysical implication as its roots at the lowest line, to actively respond to the challenges of consumer culture, and to assume the historical enterprise that concerned about the reality of people's living condition so as to lift people’s spirits taste.
Key words: art; consumer culture; human nature; aesthetic; entertainment; metaphysical implication; consumerism
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