自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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摘  要: 今本《礼记·乐记》言心计三十处。共有内在心智、常情、心术品性、百姓的情感意愿所向四种内涵。《乐记》言心构建了“心-物”互动的“应感论”,注重人内在主观能动性的双向调整作用。与之时代相近的孟子同样也认识到这一点。但二者在依心立言的其它方面却呈现出不同。其一,二者对于“欲”的态度不相同。其二,二者对于“诚和伪”的认识不同。其三,二者对于“觉”的理解不同。其四,二者对于“礼仪教化”的看法也不相同。唐君毅先生称孟子之心为“性情心或德性心”,文中则概括《乐记》之心为“应感心或省察心”。思想之分异,正根源于人心所见之分异。比察《乐记》与孟子之心异,以略见二者思想之异。
关键词: 《礼记·乐记》;孟子;心;唐君毅;中国哲学
About the category of “nature of mind” in Liji·yueji
——By comparing with Meng Zi opinions vary on this point
(Postdoctoral research station of Fudan University, Shanghai 200433, China)
Abstract: “Nature of mind” appeared for 30 times, in the current version Liji·yueji, including four meanings respectly for mind, emotion and feeling, normal character, popular feeling and willingness. Yueji established induction theory that nature of mind interact with foreign objects each other, concerned the two-way corrective action of people’s internal subjective interpretation. Meng Zi who was born in that period also recognized this point. But the two works showed some difference in thought about nature of mind. The first difference was the attitude for “desire”. The second difference was the reorganization of “honesty and hypocrisy”. The third was the understanding about “feel”. The forth difference was the views of education in etiquettes and music. Based on the above analysis, Mr. Tang Junyi named Meng Zi’s “nature of mind” as temperament heart” and “moral heart”, correspondingly, the author of this paper call YueJi’s “nature of min” as “induction heart” and “emanation heart ”. Theoretically, the disagreement of ideological system respectly for in the difference opinions on “nature of mind”. So this article aims to show the disagreement ideological system between Yue Ji and Meng Zi, by contrasting and exploring their thinking of “nature of mind”.
Key words: Liji·Yueji; Meng Zi; the category of “nature of mind”; Tang Junyi; Chiense philosophy
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