自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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(1. 湖南科技大学人文学院,湖南湘潭,411201;厦门大学中文系,福建厦门,361005;
2. 广西民族大学文学院,广西南宁,530006;厦门大学中文系,福建厦门,361005)
摘  要: 现代汉语中“一一”“AA”“一AA”和“一A一A”四类数量重叠式各自独立发展,它们之间并不存在基式和变式的关系。方言中的“A一A”数量重叠式,应该萌芽于唐五代时期;“一A一A”是数量短语的重叠,萌芽于唐五代,盛行于现代汉语,形成了“一一——AA——一AA/A一A——一A一A”的发展序列。这种序列既与词汇史的发展有关,也与语义的延伸有关。
关键词: 汉语研究;汉语教学;数量词;数量重叠式
The Diachrony Exploration and the Overlapping Form of Quantity
LI Kangchen1, HE Shanyan2
(1. Faculty of humanities and social sciences, Hunan University of Science and Technology,
Xiangtan, 411201, Chinese department, Xiamen University, Xiamen, 361005;
2. Faculty of Chinese linguistic and literature, Guangxi University for Nationalities, Nanning, 530006,
Chinese department, Xiamen University, Xiamen, 361005)
Abstract: Firstly, this paper reviewed and summarized different views about the relationships among Overlapping Form of Chinese Quantity , which were debated by the research circle for a long time in China, and all of those synchronic studied were debatable further. Secondly, it explored the generated sequence of Overlapping Form of Chinese Quantity   diachronically, and reached conclusion that the four kinds of overlapping form,“yiyi(一一)”、“AA”、“yi(一)AA”、“yi(一)Ayi(一)A” in Chinese as independent developments without the relationship between basic and variant-form. Finally, it further explored the types and historical gradation of Overlapping Form of Chinese Quantity by combining with the Overlapping Form of Quantity “A yi(一)A” in dialects, and put forward the developing sequence of “yi yi(一一)——AA——yi(一)AA / A yi(一)A——yi(一)A yi(一)A”, which both related with the development of the history of vocabulary and the extension of semantics.
Key words: Chinese Studies; Chinese Teaching; Quantifiers; Type the Number of Overlapping
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