自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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摘  要: 新中国六十年成立60年以来,突发灾难治理取得巨大成果。在突发灾难治理理念方面,树立了“以人为本”的救援理念;形成了人与自然和谐的生态治理理念;重视“缩减、预备、反应、恢复”四阶段并重;由政府独家治理到政府与非政府组织合作治理的转变。在突发灾难治理体系的发展方面,逐步完成了整体危机管理系统、国际合作治理突发灾难体系、治理突发灾难的技术支撑体系、多方参与治理突发灾难的体系的建设。突发灾难治理法律和政策方面,建立了相对完善的应急预案体系、法律法规和相关政策。展望未来的突发灾难治理,将坚持以人为本,更重视系统研究和协调,灾难治理机构将趋于常设中心加部门联动的模式,政府与社会组织合作治理突发灾难将成为研究的重点之一。
关键词: 道德;突发灾难;灾难治理;危机管理;政府管理;社会保障
The evolution of disaster emergency management in China since 1949
FENG Zhouzhuo, YUAN Baolong
(School of Public Administration, Central South University, Changsh 410083, China)
Abstract: China has made great achievement in sudden disasters management since the founding of the P.R.C. In the concepts of sudden disaster management, China takes “people first” as rescue idea; forms the management idea of ecological harmony between man and nature; lays the emphasis on the four stages “reduction, preparation, response, recovery”; turns managing sudden disasters from exclusive managed by government to cooperation managed by government and non-government. In developing system of sudden disaster management, China has constructed the systems of integrative crisis management, international cooperation in sudden disaster management, support technologies system for sudden disaster management, multi party participatory management of sudden disaster. In law and policy of sudden disaster management, China has established the relatively complete system of emergency preparatory plan, laws, regulations and relevant policies. Looking to the future of disaster management, China will adhere to “people-oriented”, focus on system research and coordination, and the agencies of disaster management will tend to the model of standing center plus departmental interaction. The cooperation between government and social organizations in sudden disaster management will be the focus of disaster management study.
Key words: sudden disaster; disaster emergency governance; public crisis management; government administration; social security
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