文章编号:1672-3104(2010)02-0121-05 |
——兼与赵敏俐先生《“魏晋文学自觉说”反思》商榷 |
李永祥 |
(陕西师范大学文学院,陕西西安,710062) |
摘 要: 在春秋时期人性觉醒和艺术觉醒的滋养下,文学开始自觉。六经对形式技巧和审美意识的自觉追求、六经的文体分类、在经学研究中形成的自觉的文学理论意识、春秋士大夫赋诗言志修饰辞令、孔子对文的重视及《左传》的“有意为文”,均可作为春秋文学自觉的明证。“春秋文学自觉”是本是源,“汉代文学自觉”及“魏晋文学自觉”是末是流,是文学发展史上的规律性的“再醒觉”。 探讨中国文学自觉应该从本源探讨起,这对弘扬中华民族悠久而优秀的文化传统意义重大。 |
关键词: 春秋文学自觉;广义文学观;魏晋文学自觉说;汉代文学自觉说;《左传》 |
On literature self-consciousness in Spring and Autumn Period literature Priod (770~471 B.C.) |
LI Yongxiang |
(College of Literature, Shaanxi Normal University, Xi’an 710062, China) |
Abstract: On the nourishing of human nature consciousness and art consciousness in Spring and Autumn Period, literature began to step into consciousness. Liu Jing’s esthetic consciousness, the consciousness of literature theory in Xian Qin Period, the attention of the people in Spring and Autumn Period to literature and Zuo Zhuan’s attention to write are the proofs to literature’s self-consciousness in Spring and Autumn Period. Literature’s self-consciousness in this period was the root, and self-consciousness in literature in Han dynasty and the Wei and Jin dynasties were the tip. Self-consciousness in literature has great significance on propagating good tradition in China’s culture. |
Key words: consciousness in Spring and Autumn Period; broad definition concept of literature; literature self- awareness in Wei and Jin dynasties; literature self-awareness in Han dynasty; ZUOZHUAN |