文章编号:1672-3104(2010)02-0087-08 |
中印边界冲突时期美国南亚安全政策调整实施效果分析 |
管银凤 |
(内江师范学院,四川内江,641112) |
摘 要: 中印边界冲突爆发时期,美国一改之前的亲巴政策,态度明显向印度倾斜,对其提供大规模的经济军事援助,企图改变印度的外交政策,实现“以印制华”,并实现印巴和解,从而团结起来共同承担冷战的责任。但美国的构想与其努力的结果却大相径庭,印度不仅没有放弃其固守的中立主义外交政策而与美国建立长期的安全关系,反而向苏联靠拢,“以印制华”战略不攻自破。特别是美国的盟国巴基斯坦向其冷战对手中国靠拢,标志着美国南亚安全政策的彻底失败。 |
关键词: 中印边界冲突;美国南亚安全政策;不结盟政策;印巴和谈;“以印制华”战略 |
The effect analysis of adjustment of USA South Asian security policy during Sino-Indian border conflict period |
GUAN Yinfeng |
(Neijiang Normal University, Neijiang 641112, China) |
Abstract: The China and India boundary conflict provided the new turning point for the American South Asia security policy adjustment. Compared with the previous. USA’s policy obviously favors India, and provides it with the large-scale economical military aid, trying to change Indian the foreign policy, so as to realize “containment to China with India”, and reconcilement between India and Pakistan, thus uniting together to undertake the Cold War responsibility. But USA’s conceptions were totally different from the result, India not only had not given up the neutralist foreign policy which it defended stubbornly, established the long-term safe relations with the USA, instead, it closed up to the Soviet Union, and the American strategy of “containment to China with India” collapsed itself. Specially USA’S allied country Pakistan closes up to its Cold War match China, symbolized the complete failure of American South Asia security policy. |
Key words: China and India boundary conflict; USA South Asian security policy; The non-aligned policy; India-Pakistan peace talks; containment to China with India |