文章编号:1672-3104(2010)02-0073-03 |
休闲文化观:基于马克思理论视角的解读 |
张永红 |
(湖南工业大学,湖南株洲,412007) |
摘 要: 马克思的休闲理论不但体现在他对自由时间和自由活动的追寻,关键体现在他强调休闲活动必须突显文化精神的合理内核。以马克思的休闲文化理论为指导,我国必须加强休闲教育,规范休闲产业,在休闲中传承民族精神,以实现休闲的科学化和大众化。 |
关键词: 马克思;休闲产业;休闲文化;自由时间;自由活动 |
Leisure culture concept: an interpretation based on
the perspective of Marx’s theory |
ZHANG Yonghong |
(Hunan University of Technology, Zhuzhou 412007, China) |
Abstract: Marx’s leisure theory is not only reflected in his pursuit of free time and leisure activities, but the key is embodied in his emphasis that leisure activities must highlight the rational core of cultural spirit. Guided by Marx’s leisure culture theory, China should strengthen leisure education, standardize leisure industry, and transmit national spirit in leisure in order to achieve the scientization and popularization of leisure. |
Key words: Marx; leisure industry; leisure culture; free time; leisure activities |