自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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摘  要: 2008年以来的全球金融危机表明国际金融法并没有发挥出金融稳定的功能。研究从国际金融法的视角分析全球金融危机的成因与防范,认为无法规制不公正的国际金融秩序、系统风险无法化解和防范以及存在效力和内容方面的不足和漏洞是危机的主要成因,而转变发展理念、建立正式国际金融监管协调机制、价值取向安全与效率并重、扩大调整范围和转变方法、统一金融立法以及制度创新是防范危机的积极演变。因此,国际金融法要作出循序渐进的调整,并遵照公法与私法协调发展规律,同时提升保障金融安全、防范金融动荡和危机的功能地位。
关键词: 国际金融法;全球金融危机;金融秩序;金融安全
The Causes and Prevention of the Global Financial Crisis_ Based on the Research from the Angle of International Financial Laws
ZHANG Xisong
(Xinhua School of Banking and Insurance, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, Wuhan 430060, China;
School of Finance, Shandong University of Economics, Jinan 250014, China)
Abstract: It has been revealed by the global financial crisis since 2008 that the international financial laws didn’t perform the function of keeping financial stability. The authors are to research on the causes and prevention of the global financial crisis from the angle of international financial laws. We take it for granded that the main causes were that the international financial laws couldn’t admonish unjust international financial order, system risk couldn’t be resolved and there was a series of deficiency and leak in effect and content.In order to be on guard of financial crisis, it is a vigorous evolution to change development concept,t o set up formal international financial regulatory coordination mechanism, to equally emphasze safety and efficiency in values, to expand adjustment range and change method, to unify financial legislation, and to make institutional innovation. So it is necessary for international financial laws to be regulated gradually in the light of the discipline of coordinated development of public laws and private laws. At the same time, the functional status of international financial laws should be elevated to indemnify financial security and be on guard of financial turmoil and crisis.
Key words: international financial laws; global financial crisis; financial order; financial security
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