文章编号:1672-3104(2010)02-0032-05 |
——建国六十年公民本位政治理念的变迁与评述 |
牛磊 |
(中共湖南省委直属机关党校,湖南长沙,410000) |
摘 要: 人的自由而全面的发展是马克思主义对共产主义社会的描述,也是对人类社会未来发展最高阶段的定义。作为共产党执政的国家,社会主义中国在建国以前就对未来的执政之路树立了公民本位的政治理念。在建国六十年的发展历程中,通过对民众自觉权力观的政治启蒙,到民主的制度化和制度的民主化进程,逐步确立并完善了公民本位政治理念的建设目标与方式,并随着以人为本理念的提出,最终实现了政治的回归,也标志着中国共产党的执政理念上升到了一个新的层次。 |
关键词: 公民本位;民主制度化;制度民主化;政治参与;以人为本 |
All to realize the “people’s freedom and comprehensive development”
—— change and review the concept of citizen-based political in
the past six decades |
NIU Lei |
(Party School of Departments of the CPC Hunan Provincial Committee, Changsha 410000, China) |
Abstract: Human freedom and comprehensive development presents the Marxist description of the communist society, which also shows the future development of human society, the highest stage of definition. As the Communist Party of the country ,before the founding of socialist China in the right way it has asserted the future of civil-based set of political ideas. In the sixty years of development in nation-building history, from conscious view of power through the people’s political consciousness, to the institutionalization of democracy and system of the democratization process, the Party gradually established and perfected the concept of citizen-based political objectives and modalities for the construction, and with the propose the concept of people-oriented, it ultimately has realized the return of the political, which also marks party the idea of rising to a new level of the Party in power. |
Key words: citizen-based; the institutionalization of democracy; democratization of institution; political participation; people-oriented |