文章编号:1672-3104(2009)02-0026-06 |
“强奸转通奸”司法解释的困境与出路 |
陈罗兰 |
(华东政法大学,上海,200042) |
摘 要: 由“庄志伟案”可知,两高一部《关于当前办理强奸案件中具体应用法律的若干问题的解答》的司法解释存在不合理之处。该司法解释在适用的过程中,也存在着不少问题。只有引入刑事和解制度,才能根本上改变现有状况。 |
关键词: 强奸;通奸;司法解释;亲告罪;刑事和解制度 |
The dilemma and way-out of the judiciary interpretation
on “Transformation from Rape to Adultery”
——Adoption of criminal reconciliation |
CHEN Luolan |
(East China University of Political Science and Law, Shanghai 200042, China) |
Abstract: Through an analysis of Zhuang Zhi-wei Case of Gang-Rape, the justification of the Judiciary Interpretation of Transformation from Rape to Adultery is discussed and challenged, and a comparative rethinking on the jurisprudential reasoning as well as the judiciary practice is also carried out in light of this Judiciary Interpretation. Furthermore, cases of rape transforming to a valentine-relationship, even to a legal marriage are rethought, in addition to the review of term,“several times of voluntary adultery”, and the scope of application of the Judiciary Interpretation is also under a brief scrutiny here. At the last part, we’re trying to come up with a solution both on the legislative level and the judiciary level. |
Key words: rape; adultery; judiciary interpretation; crimes of suit upon complaint; criminal reconciliation regulations |