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自然科学版 英文版


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摘  要: 茗烟与李贵是《红楼梦》中一对互相映照的奴仆形象。从他们的出身地位、性格特征、对贾宝玉的作用和影响等方面的对比中可知,茗烟出身低微,但聪明伶俐、善解人意,对宝玉追求精神自由、形成叛逆思想起着重要的催化作用,故深得宝玉信赖;而李贵出身根基较好,老成稳重,自觉负责,但略显粗俗,对宝玉起着规劝、制约的作用,因而不得宝玉之喜欢和信任。他们的存在,是对贾宝玉的思想性格和艺术形象的深化与完善。
关键词: 《红楼梦》;贾宝玉;奴仆;茗烟;李贵
Comparison of images between Ming Yan and Li Gui in A Dream of Red Mansions
LI Hongyuan, FENG Zhiheng
(School of Humanities, Hunan University of Science and Technology, Xiangtan 411201, China)
Abstract: The utilization of comparison between characters is very widespread in A Dream of Red Mansions. Take Ming Yan and Li Gui for example, each of them has its different disposition. From their family background, status, and influence on Jia Baoyu, as well as the relationship with him, we can see that Ming Yan’s status is not as high as Li Gui, but he is very intelligent, clever and lofty. So he gets Baoyu’s faith deeply and is regarded as one of his good friends. Though Li-Gui’s foundation of background is better than Ming Yan, he has a little villainy. He plays a role of admonishment and restriction to Baoyu actually, thus he can’t get the trust of Baoyu. Both of them have exerted vital influence on Baoyu’s image and disposition.
Key words: A Dream of Red Mansions; Jia Baoyu; servant;Ming Yan; Li Gui
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