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自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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摘  要: 文乐的雅俗离合是影响中国韵文文体演变的重要因素。中国古代礼乐治国这一历史文化传统与氛围的环境因素,民间韵文与音乐供大于求的不竭借鉴源泉这一外部因素,文人韵文与音乐自身雅俗之趣的张弛变化这一内部因素,共同促成文乐雅俗离合效应在韵文文体演变中的存在。文乐雅俗离合因素的存在,对促成韵文新体式的诞生,促进韵文艺术水准的不断提高,推动韵文沿雅俗良性循环的道路演进,均有着十分重要的作用。
关键词: 文乐雅俗离合;韵文;文体演变
The agreement and disagreement of verse and music with refined and popular tastes in the development of the genre of Chinese verse
JIANG Changdong
(School of Literature and Journalism, Xiangtan University, Xiangtan 411105, China)
Abstract: The agreement and disagreement of verse and music with refined and popular tastes is an important factor that has influenced the development of the genre of Chinese verse. It was the historical and cultural tradition and atmosphere of governing the country with rites and music, the reference source of folk verse and music in greater supply than needed and the alteration of tension and relaxation in refined and popular tastes of the verse and music composed by men of letters that respectively constituted the environmental factor, external factor and internal factor. The three factors jointly helped to exert the effect of the agreement and disagreement of verse and music with refined and popular tastes in the development of the genre of Chinese verse, which played a very important role in hastening the birth of new writing styles of Chinese verse, promoting the enhancement of the artistic standard of Chinese verse and pushing forward the development of Chinese verse along the road of virtuous circle.
Key words: the agreement and disagreement of verse and music with refined and popular tastes; Chinese verse; the development of the genre
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