文章编号:1672-3104(2003)06-0724-04 |
论僧肇的时间观 |
陈洁 |
(武汉大学哲学系,湖北武汉,430072) |
摘 要: 僧肇对时间进行技术处理的方法是将时间无限分割,从而使通常经验感觉上“流动”和“飞逝”的时间停顿静止下来。用这种方法僧肇很容易就证明了无限和永恒的存在和常驻。这种方法也许能够帮助确立“无限”的存在,从这个意义上来说,他们的时间观是有用的,虽然在逻辑上可能讲不通。 |
关键词: 时间观;僧肇;断裂性;连续性 |
A study of sengzhao's concept of time |
CHEN Jie |
(Departmant of Philosophy, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430072, China) |
Abstract: About time, the dominant orientations is lapse. But Sengzhao didn't think so. Time is immobile. In order to understand that time is immobile, one should understand the principle that phenomena are identical with emptiness at first. Lapse is phenomena and immobility is the essence. This point of view is reiterated by many philosophers, from Guoxiang to Augustin. Lapse time can be comminuted infinitely till it is immobile. People to that is because they yearn towards infinite and be afraid of end-all. |
Key words: time;Sengzhao; comminuted infinitely |