自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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何天祥, 李明生
(中南大学商学院,湖南长沙, 410083)
摘  要: 在分析引起产业转移原因的基础上,利用中心—外围区域理论提出传统产业转移模型,指出市场需求份额、劳动力成本及劳动生产率、运费、区域聚集经济力以及区域投资环境是决定传统产业转移的主要因素。并以我国纺织业区际转移为例进行实证分析,得出在短期内传统产业会进一步集聚在东部地区,难以转移至西部地区,东、西部经济差距会进一步扩大。由此对我国西部地区产业发展提出几点建议:一是不能以梯度推移理论指导西部经济发展;二是继续保持廉价劳动力优势,发展教育提升人口素质,提高劳动生产率;三是推行城市化战略,改善区域基础设施,促进产业聚集;四是加速政府改革,建立高效、透明政府;五是制定切实可行产业政策,加大优惠力度,扶植产业发展。
关键词: 传统产业; 区际产业转移; 纺织工业; 聚集经济;转移模型
A study and evidence analysis
on the inter-regional traditional industrial shift
HE Tian-xiang, LI Ming-sheng
(Business school, Central South University, Changsha 410075, China)
Abstract: This paper expatiates on the characteristics of traditional industry, and analyses the reasons for its shifting regions. On this basis, we put forward a transfer model in accordance with central-fringe theory and point out that marker demand, labor cost, labor productivity, freight and economies of aggregation are the main and crucial factors which affect the shift. Second, we illustrate this model with the inter-regional textile industrial shift, and conclude that traditional industry will further congregate in the eastern China and will not shift to western China, so the economic difference between the two zones will expand in the short-run. At last, some suggestions is brought forward for the industrial growth in western China. Economic grads shift theory is not fit to direct economic develop in western China. To prompt growth, we should develop education to better population quality and to increase labor productivity, while maintaining low salaries. In addition, we should carry through urbanization, better transportation net and prompt aggregation of industries.
Key words: traditional industrial; inter-regional industrial shift; textile industry; economy of aggregation; shift model
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