自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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摘  要: 《网络文学教授论丛》是学界第一套专题研究网络文学基础学理的丛书,它标志着源于数字技术、起自都市民间的网络文学走进了学院派。黄鸣奋的文章认为,这套丛书是网络文学首次从理论上证明自己的存在,而真正建构这一文学的理论体系还有更多课题摆在学术前沿。王岳川提出,网络文学的文学性问题事关这一文学的存在意义和价值,该丛书较好地回答了这一问题,而这种理论总结对于文艺理论走向本土、走向东方有着十分重要的启示。敏泽认为丛书作者选择本体论维度,用现象学方法探索网络文学的存在方式,从价值论上追问其存在价值与意义,给发展中的网络文学带来了全新的理论定位和学理构建。王德胜则认为,该丛书使喧嚣混沌的网络文学走出了原生态的地平线,得到了学理性地观照、梳理和规范,开启了21世纪网络新文学的理论大系。何志钧的评价是,该丛书堪称学术界网络文学研究的一次阵容严整的集体亮相,体现了网络文学研究的理性自觉,其冷静平和的理性审视和规范缜密的学理考辨,使它卓具学术价值和建设性作用。
关键词: 网络文学;教授论丛;学理构建
On“Professors’Essays of Network Literature”
PENG Zhi-hui
(Department of Police Culture, People Public Security University of China,Beijing 100038, China)
Abstract: “Professor s Essays of Network Literature”is the first series of special topics which focuses on the research of network literature in academic circles. It marks that network literature which is born of numeral technique and derives from civilian and citizen, and comes into academic group. HuangMingfen’s article believes that: this series firsttestifies its existence in theory, and points out that building up literacy’s theoretical system still has many problems in academic forward position. WangYuechuan holds that, network literature’s literary problemrelates to this literature s existing significance and value, this series gives better answers to these questions and sums up important revelations on literarytheory that come to the native and the east. Min Ze believes that authors of this series choose ontology aspect, using phenomena method to explore network literature’s existent way and asking for its existing significance and value from valuable theory. It brings about newly theoretical location and learning theory construction. Wang Desheng contends that this series makes noisy and disordered network literature walks out protoplasmic horizon, and gaining observation, carding and standard, thus opens up the newprospect for the 21th network literature’s theoretical system. He Zhijun comments that:this series can be regarded as the research of network literature’s complete displaying, which embodies the research of network literature’s reasonable consciousness, it’s calm and gentle reasonable scan, normative and strict learning theory construction enable it to exert academic value and constructive effect.
Key words: Network literature; Professors’essays; learning theory construction
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