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自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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摘  要: 在大革命时期,毛泽东根据马列主义理论对中国的革命动员问题进行了努力的探索,并初步形成了以阶级斗争、土地革命为手段,以政治动员、征集新兵、筹款以及肃反为主要内容的革命动员思想。这一思想,既体现了毛泽东对马克思列宁主义的创造性发展,也体现了他对当时中国国情的一个深入理解。不过,由于当时革命的不够深入,他对革命动员问题的思考也有许多不成熟的地方。
关键词: 大革命时期;毛泽东;动员思想
Thoughts on Mao Zedong's mobilization thought during the Great Revolution time
Jiangxi Provincial Committee Party School, Nanchang 330003, China
(During the Great Revolution time, Mao Zedong explored the China's revolutionary mobilization questions diligently according to Marxism-Leninism theory and initially formed mobilization thought which take the class struggle, the agrarian revolution as the method, and the political mobilization, the recruit, funds collection as well as the counterrevolutionary suppression as the main content. The mobilization thought, manifested not only that Mao Zedong had creatively developed Marxism-Leninism, but also that he thoroughly understood the national condition of China. But he still had many immature views on the mobilization question because the revolution was carried insufficiently at that time.)
Abstract: During the Great Revolution time, Mao Zedong explored the China's revolutionary mobilization questions diligently according to Marxism-Leninism theory and initially formed mobilization thought which take the class struggle, the agrarian revolution as the method, and the political mobilization, the recruit, funds collection as well as the counterrevolutionary suppression as the main content. The mobilization thought, manifested not only that Mao Zedong had creatively developed Marxism-Leninism, but also that he thoroughly understood the national condition of China. But he still had many immature views on the mobilization question because the revolution was carried insufficiently at that time.
Key words: the Great Revolution time; Mao Zedong; mobilization thought
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