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自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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摘  要: 欧美政党未能提供革命党是政党的范式,日本朝野人士把孙中山所领导的同盟会称作革命党,当时国内革命派与改良派的论战,以及利用会党的策略,使孙中山把同盟会称为革命党而不是政党。
关键词: 中国同盟会;革命党;政党;缘由
A re-analysis of the reason that Sun Yatsen regarded China Federal Association as a revolutionary party rather than a political party
XIAO Tie-jian, TAN Xian-long
(College of Politics and Administration, Central South University, Changshan410083, China)
Abstract: China Federal Association was the first capitalist political party with the nationwide scale established by Sun Yatsen, Huang Xing and so on. Sun Yatsen regarded it as a revolutionary party rather than a political one. On the problem, history educational circles carried on a study according to Sun Yatsen viewpoint of the revolutionary party and the political one. The author believes the problem that Sun Yatsen regarded China Federal Association as a revolutionary party rather than a political party was affected by various factors. The article analyzes this problem from the following four angles: Euro-American political party which Sun Yatsen followed has not provided the type that revolutionary party was viewed as a political party; Japanese government called China Federal Association, led by Sun Yatsen, a revolutionary party; the influence of the argument between the revolutionary party and the improvement one; and the strategy that makes use of Hui Dang as well.
Key words: China Federal Association; revolutionary party; political party;reason
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